Privacy Protection is a service available with your domain name. You may either enable this service at the time of Registering/Transferring your domain name or enable/disable this service anytime during the length of the domain name's registration, as per your requirement.
Exceptions and Other ConditionsĀ
Privacy Protection is not available due to various restrictions, for the following TLDs (extensions):
Due to restrictions imposed by the Registry Operator:
Additional InformationHiding/Publishing Contact Details in the Whois of a .TEL Domain Name
Additional Information.UK Registrants who are non-trading individuals (those who do not use or plan to use their domain name for business, trade [including registration of domain names for monetization purposes] or professional transactions) can choose to opt out of having their Contact Details displayed in the Whois lookup.
This option can be enabled by the Registrant from within his Nominet control panel.
Due to other restrictions:
If you are transferring away your domain name from Alantescili.Com, you need to first disable Privacy Protection and then place a Transfer request at the Registrar of your choice.
Depending upon whether the Privacy Protection feature is available for a TLD or not, the Order Information view of your domain name may or may not display the Privacy Protection status, under Order Information.
If Privacy Protection is available for your domain name, then you would see the following status:
Privacy Protection: Enabled (Green circle)
This indicates that the Privacy Protection feature has been turned on for your domain name and your personal Contact Details are not being displayed in the Whois of your domain name.
Privacy Protection: Disabled (Grey circle)
This indicates that the Privacy Protection feature has been turned off for your domain name and your personal Contact Details are being displayed in the Whois of your domain name.
If the domain name is Locked/Suspended, you will have to first get it Unlocked/Unsuspended it before proceeding further.
For Resellers: If the domain name is Locked by you, you may proceed without Unlocking it.
For Resellers: If the domain name is Locked by Alantescili.Com, you need to get it Unlocked first. Contact us at [email protected].
For Resellers: If the domain name is Suspended by either you or Alantescili.Com, it needs to be first Unsuspended, before you can proceed.
Instructions for Customers
Login to your Control Panel, search for the domain name and proceed to the Order Information view. See details
Click the Privacy Protection link
Here you may enable/disable Privacy Protection using the toggle.
Click the Update Status button.
You will encounter the below error message in case the domain name is either:
Locked/Suspended at the Registry (and not under our system), or
a Transfer Away for the domain name to another Registrar is under process
Domain Status does not allow this operation.
If you wish to modify your domain name's Privacy Protection status in these circumstances, you have the following solutions:
Lock/Suspension applied at the Registry: Contact our Support Team at [email protected] to know the reason for Lock/Suspension and how this Lock/Suspension may be removed.
While a Transfer Away is under process:
Cancel the Transfer through the link listed in the email sent to the Registrant/Administrative Contact of the domain name and then perform the required modification, or
Wait for the Transfer to complete and then carry out the desired modification at the New Registrar.
Instructions for Resellers
Login to your Control Panel, search for the domain name and proceed to the Order Information view. See details
Click the Privacy Protection link
Here, you may enable/disable Privacy Protection using the toggle.
While disabling Privacy Protection, you may choose not to allow your Customer / Sub-Reseller to enable it back, by selecting the Do not allow your sub-resellers/customer to change this. checkbox. In this case, you need to mention the reason for disabling Privacy Protection.
NoteThe Reason you mention here would be visible to your Customer / Sub-Reseller, depending upon whether this domain name belongs to your immediate Customer or not.
In the event that you receive any Abuse complaint (Spam, Whois Inaccuracy, etc.) regarding a Privacy Protected domain name, then you are advised to disable Privacy Protection with the Do not allow your sub-resellers/customer to change this. option selected, alongwith an appropriate reason. This reason will be then visible to your immediate Customer or Sub-Reseller within the Privacy Protection interface under their respective Control panels.
Click the Update Status button.
You will encounter the below error message in case the domain name is either:
Locked/Suspended at the Registry (and not under our system), or
a Transfer Away for the domain name to another Registrar is under process
Domain Status does not allow this operation.
If you wish to modify your domain name's Privacy Protection status in these circumstances, you have the following solutions:
Lock/Suspension applied at the Registry: Contact our Support Team at [email protected] to know the reason for Lock/Suspension and how this Lock/Suspension may be removed.
While a Transfer Away is under process:
Cancel the Transfer through the link listed in the email sent to the Registrant/Administrative Contact of the domain name and then perform the required modification, or
Wait for the Transfer to complete and then carry out the desired modification at the New Registrar.